Describe a person whose job is useful or important to the society.

Describe a person whose job is useful or important to the society.

Describe a person whose job is useful or important to the society. 
You should say:
- What job it is?
- What does he or she do?
- Why is the job important?

Selection: Talk about a teacher - Ms. Nguyen and he/she teaches English/Math/Science or whatever. (Choose a subject that you know well so you can expand) e.g. English is an international language that opens doors and allows my community to effectively communicate with the world – so I guess that English teachers play a significant role in shaping the society and I'd like to particularly talk about my IELTS teacher, Ms. Nguyen.

Vocabulary: Important – vital, significant, crucial. Society: community, the locals (the residents in your local area)

What do teachers do? Engage (Ms Nguyen has the ability to engage her students when she teaches English), inspire (a great teacher like Ms Nguyen has the tendency to inspire her students), lead (Educators in general also lay the foundation and lead their communities, Ms. Nguyen and her colleagues usually organize English events and clubs for the locals to get together to share their English learning experience), change (teachers also have the ability to positively change, not only their students but also the communities where they live)

Expand by describing her characteristics: diligent (hard working) – Characteristic wise, she’s a very diligent teacher because she works around the clock trying to help her students achieving their IELTS targets. On top of that, Ms. Nguyen is a truly passionate educator as she always looks enthusiastic and full of energy in front of her students and towards her job. I truly admire her.

Some adjectives to describe a teacher positively:

1. Passionate
2. Dedicated
3. Responsible
4. Enthusiastic
5. Energetic

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