IELTS speaking. September-December 2015 part 2 topic.

IELTS speaking. September-December 2015 part 2 topic.

IELTS speaking. September-December 2015 part 2 topic.

Describe a law that you would like to ask your government to introduce to protect the environment.

When it comes to speaking about the environment in the IELTS speaking test, my advice is to follow this simple structure:

1. Causes: deforestation (the act of cutting down the trees), carbon emission, exhaust fumes, the mismanagement of household wastes and industrial wastes, the lack of awareness and education of the society, the burning of fossils- such as coal and oil, nuclear power stations and so on...

2. Effects: air pollution, noise pollution, climate change, global warming, water contamination, extinctions of wild life species, a threat to our natural resources and so on...

3. Solutions: investing in cleaner alternative energy resources, educate the general public to raise awareness within the community through advertisements and campaigns, produce and promote highly efficient hybrid vehicles, the government can also introduce and implement stricter environmental legislations.

Part 2 recent IELTS topic:

Describe a law that you would like to ask your government to introduce to protect the environment.
A- What law is it?
B- Why would you want the government to introduce it?
C- What changes would it make for your city?
D- And say if there’ll be any problems if the law is introduced?

Selection: You can choose to talk about a new traffic regulation what would ban all vehicles over the age of 15 years in Vietnam. 

Grammar: 2nd conditional tense. Use lots of “would and could”.

Vocabulary: as above

A. Talk about the law. If I were the Environment Minister of Vietnam, I would like to introduce a new traffic regulation, which would ban any vehicle over the age of 15 years old, to not only protect the environment, but also to lift the standard of living in Vietnam. 

B Talk about the causes of aging vehicles: Obviously, exhaust fumes which are emitted by aging vehicles produce the largest amount of carbon emission, which is clearly the key contributor to air pollution and other severe environmental issues in Vietnam.

C. Now, talk further about the effects of aging vehicles: On top of that, aging vehicles are also the ones to blame when it comes to noise pollution, which is also increasing at an alarming rate, specifically, in the larger cities of Vietnam, like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city. On a global scale, It is also undeniable that climate change is not only affecting Vietnam but it is a world wide issue, and experts believe that hybrid vehicles are one of the fundamental factors that will open the door to a greener world, because they produce far less carbon emission than the ordinary non-hybrid vehicles. 

D: The solutions: Not only that this policy would impact the environment positively but it would also help to reduce traffic congestions, the proposed legislation would surely help to improve the current air quality and significantly reduce noise pollution in Vietnam, and that’s the core reason why I tend to believe that it would be a long term solution for my country's current environmental issues.

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